結果だけがすべてと 笑えたらそれでいい 置きに行っちゃいられない 女神よてを貸せ BLACK OR WHITE!
傷ついても止まらない 情熱を抱きしめて 気まぐれな現実を この手につかみ奪る
自分以外の誰かを 愛さずににはいられない 一人きりの夜明けを 越えれば明日は BLACK OR WHITE???
English Translation
I can't stop these feelings even if they hurt. The closer I get, the farther it moves away. If this a dream, is tomorrow black or white? I endure the flames and more sleepless nights. The more I lie, the better I get at it.
I stare at my swollen, red eyes in the mirror. I dream of winning so much that I can't speak.
Everyday life is too overbearing for me. "This isn't what you deserve," is what I want to say.
I can't stop these feelings even if they hurt. The closer I get, the farther it moves away. If this a dream, will tomorrow be black or white?
The lonely shadows of people pass by me in the city. It's a mistake to follow them.
"I want nothing." "I won't love anyone ever again." Your silent voice is lost in the darkness.
I can't stop these feelings even if they hurt. The closer I get, the farther it moves away. Even if this a dream, I'll follow it.
Laughing should be enough to help overcome the results. I don't need to move. Goddess, lend me a hand - black or white!
I can't stop these feelings even if they hurt. The whimsical truth is held in the palm of my hand.
You don't need to love anyone besides yourself. If you can overcome the dawn by yourself, will tomorrow be black or white?